Home » DEUTZ invests in Blue World Technologies for the production of fuel cells

DEUTZ invests in Blue World Technologies for the production of fuel cells

by 4CWrrdd2Dp

In recent years, DEUTZ has always followed a line based on the reduction of polluting emissions from its engines. For this reason, new technologies related to fuel cells are increasingly of great interest. To enhance this effort, DEUTZ has decided, together with Vaekstfonden, to actualize its presence in Blue World Technologies in the form of an investor.

A technology that is more than a promise

The decision to support this company confirms the promising steps that these products are making in terms of efficiency and reliability. The goal is to carry out large-scale production of fuel cells, with a view to an increasingly greener global vision.

What are fuel cells?

Fuel cells represent a system in which electricity is produced inside these cells with the emission of water only. The technology on which this type of device is based is well known, but the procedure is the exact reverse. We are referring to the very common electrolysis, in which, through the introduction of electricity, the splitting of a molecule of water into hydrogen and oxygen occurs. In this case however, thanks to the union of hydrogen and oxygen, electricity and water are obtained.

The methanol alternative

Obviously, the matter is not so simple, especially for the production and storage of hydrogen. This element is not freely available in nature and must be stored under special conditions. For this reason, solutions that involve the adoption of fuels, such as methanol, to use hydrogen-rich gasses inside the cells are being developed. What is emitted by this type of cell is a minimum percentage of carbon dioxide and water.

Supporting Blue World Technologies

Blue World Technologies is intensifying its studies for the improvement of this technology for the creation of increasingly effective fuel cells. For this reason, DEUTZ and Vaekstfonden have decided to invest a good 15 million euros (7.5 million euros on each side) to boost the action of this company.

A new plant for the production of methanol fuel cells

The Danish company has recently taken over a building of no less than 8,500 square meters in Aalborg which will soon be the headquarters for the production of the basic components of stacks and fuel cells. The production plant, once fully operational, will be one of the largest in the world for the production of methanol fuel cells.

The words of Blue World Technologies

On the occasion of the announcement of this partnership Anders Korsgaard, CEO of Blue World Technologies, showed great satisfaction for this new era of the company.

With a short history of only three years, we have moved rapidly in various directions. Thanks to these new investments we are accelerating the industrialization of our methanol fuel cell technology even further.

Both Vaekstfonden and DEUTZ are really strong and experienced investors who are willing to back Blue World. This support will allow further development of the company, reaching a large-scale production, with a more effective access to the market. We’ve embarked on a truly amazing partnership over the past few months and we look forward to continuing to explore it.”

DEUTZ comments the investment in fuel cells

For his part, Frank Hiller, CEO of DEUTZ AG, also wanted to express himself on this partnership which strongly looks towards a cleaner future.

The investment in and cooperation with Blue World Technologies is in line with our activities within the development of climate-neutral drive systems at DEUTZ. In general, we are witnessing great interest in our climate-neutral solutions.

What happened in November is a direct testimony to this, when Blue World Technologies presented its products to our customers and partners at the annual DEUTZ DAYS. The interest that has been generated is exciting and we look forward to seeing the potential of our collaboration in the coming years.”

Power-To-X for methanol production

This acronym refers to a series of technologies that allow the produced excess electricity to be transformed into fuels such as methanol. A waste of electricity is frequent, because it is unused and because it is impossible to store. Transforming this excess production into fuel is a road that is being pursued with increasing conviction.

The big builders of big ships will shortly present new models that intend to achieve zero carbon dioxide emissions or which are fueled by methanol. New plants inspired by the Power-To-X principle are also being created, with the aim of marketing methanol derived from CO2 emissions.

DEUTZ at the forefront in the field of fuel cells

A virtuous circle is therefore being generated in which the reduction of polluting emissions is an absolutely achievable goal. DEUTZ, which has always been at the forefront in the production of low-emission components, continues to invest in research and development. The result of this process is already evident and will be even more so in the years to come.