by khSFX7dhpm

Telgate – March 2022: An important training project was launched at the beginning of the month, involving the Selini group, the ABF School ABF di Trescore Balneario and the German engine manufacturer DEUTZ AG, through the Italian branch Deutz Italy s.r.l.

An example of important synergy between school and the world of work, which sees as protagonists one of the most important operators of logistics systems and supplier of forklifts in our area – the Selini Group – with over 100 employees and 6 offices in Lombardy, one of the most deeply rooted professional training realities of our province – the ABF training center in Trescore Balneario – which hosts over 400 students spread over 4 professional training courses (mechanic, car repairer, body shop and electrical) and the Deutz AG, world leader in the production of propulsion systems and industrial engines, with offices/branches all over the world.

At the Selini headquarters in Telgate, 10 young people, who attend the ABF Trescore passengers car repair course, will be the protagonists of 8 training sessions on Deutz engines in March and April 2022.

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Selini group headquarters

The course will be held by Selini technicians and a specialized Deutz engineer from the Italian branch based in Lomagna (LC). The students, always under the supervision of a teacher, will address to the technical issues relating to the performance, repair, maintenance, safety and containment of pollution (EAT systems – Exhaust gas aftertreatment) of DEUTZ industrial engines, present in many industrial applications, including forklifts, earth-moving machinery, power generators and special applications.

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Students attending the ABF Trescore passengers car repair course

“For the youngsters it is an important opportunity to concretely tackle issues, that they often learn only in theory, a wealth of knowledge and experience in collaboration with one of the world’s leading engine manufacturers” – declares Luigi Alari, Head of the Customer Service division at the Selini group and creator of the project – “For Selini, who is a Deutz sales and maintenance dealer, this is a further step in the collaboration with “Azienda Bergamasca Formazione”. In fact, every year we host many young people for curricular internships. In the recent years, over 20 young people, have passed through our workshops and many have joined our team. For our company it is an indispensable synergy, in order to make easier the transition from school to the world of work. This new project want go over the traditional training methods to try to technically deepen a topic and a product, the industrial engine, the heart of the work of our maintenance workshops.”

“The focus to training issues and the availability from Deutz Italy was quick”, confirms Eng. Rudi Alborghetti, Director of the After Sales and Service Business Unit of Deutz Italy, “because today, more than ever, the attention to the customer service is at the highest level, and companies, like ours or the Selini group, need new technicians who are trained, professional, but also highly specialized on the product. Supporting technical schools in this process is extremely important, in order to introduce young people to the world of work more effectively and quickly. In many other European countries there are already other training schools supported by the Deutz AG company”.

The students have already visited the Italian headquarters of Deutz in recent weeks, thus being able to view the new high-performance and low-emission propulsion systems, the result of years of technological research and the desire to comply in advance with the increasingly restrictive European regulations for the emission level.

For the students, the project does not end with the course. For them, in fact, in addition to theoretical and practical lessons, evaluation sessions, tests and final certificates, there is also a “prize” trip to the Deutz headquarters in Germany, where they will be able to visit the company’s headquarters, the research center and observe live the various stages of engine design and construction.

“For ABF this is a real innovative and concrete pilot project, which will help our students in their professional and human growth: an all-round experience that will certainly be useful in their future.” commented Barbara Rebucini, head of the ABF School headquarters – “This could be an example of a project to be replicated in other industrial realities in our area, thus enriching the training offer, bringing it closer and closer to local and other employment requirements.”

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Selini group headquarters